Recommended Readings

We recommend the following related readings from the Community Tool Box:

Chapter 2, Section 11: Health Impact Assessment

Chapter 2, Section 13: MAPP: Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships

Chapter 3, Section 1: Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and Resources

Chapter 3, Section 2: Understanding and Describing the Community

Chapter 3, Section 3: Conducting Public Forums and Listening Sessions

Chapter 3, Section 4: Collecting Information about the Problem

Chapter 3, Section 6: Conducting Focus Groups

Chapter 3, Section 7: Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys

Chapter 3, Section 8: Identifying Community Assets and Resources

Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys

Chapter 3, Section 12: Conducting Interviews

Chapter 3, Section 13: Conducting Surveys

Chapter 3, Section 14: SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Chapter 3, Section 16: Geographic Information Systems: Tools for Community Mapping

Chapter 3, Section 19: Using Public Records and Archival Data

Chapter 3, Section 20: Implementing Photovoice in Your Community

Chapter 3, Section 21: Windshield and Walking Surveys

Chapter 7, Section 2: Promoting Participation Among Diverse Groups

Chapter 7, Section 6: Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative

Chapter 7, Section 7: Involving People Most Affected by the Problem

Chapter 17, Section 5: Addressing Social Determinants of Health and Development

Chapter 18, Section 2: Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions

Chapter 19, Section 1: Criteria for Choosing Promising Practices and Community Interventions

Chapter 24, Section 3: Promoting Coordination, Cooperative Agreements, and Collaborative Agreements Among Agencies

Chapter 37, Section 2: Information Gathering and Synthesis

Chapter 37, Section 5: Collecting and Analyzing Data

Chapter 38, Section 9: Gathering and Using Community-Level Indicators

Toolkit: Assessing Community Needs and Resources

Toolkit: Increasing Participation and Membership

Toolkit: Enhancing Cultural Competence

Toolkit: Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships

Troubleshooting Guide 5: Not enough community participation